倒序《Wrong》 introduce
In the fifteenth year of Qingshuo, Princess Li Conghuan of Zizhou married Prince Moheng of Qingshuo, creating a festive atmosphere in the Manchu kingdom of Qingshuo. Little did she know, Li Conghuan came here only for revenge. She was originally a loving couple with the second prince of Qingshuo, Mo Jin. However, on the day of childbirth, she witnessed her mother and newborn child being killed by the second prince's subordinates, and her close relatives died tragically. Her beloved betrayed her, and she returned again. Li Conghuan vowed to avenge her mother and child with her own hands. Seeing each other again, his former lover became the proud Crown Princess, and Mo Jin did not want to believe that Li Conghuan would exterminate him for power. He was filled with unwillingness and resentment towards Li Conghuan. Through frequent assassination attempts and step-by-step probing, in the various confrontations and interactions between the two, it was finally discovered that they were filled with misplacement and misunderstanding.
《將錯》 繁體簡介
青朔十五年,孜州九公主李從歡與青朔太子墨珩和親,青朔滿國一派喜慶氛圍。 殊不知,李從歡此來只為復仇,她與青朔二皇子墨燼原是恩愛眷侶,卻在生產當日親眼目睹自己的母妃與剛出世的孩子被二皇子手下殺害,至親慘死,摯愛背叛,再次歸來,李從歡誓要親手為自己的母妃與孩子報仇。 再次相見,昔日愛人成為堂堂太子妃,墨燼亦不想相信李從歡會為了權勢對自己趕盡殺絕,對李從歡充滿了不甘與怨憤。 一個頻頻刺殺,一個步步試探,在兩人的種種交鋒與互動中,終發現竟是滿腔的錯位與誤會。
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